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Monophysitism Entails The Apollinarian View Of Christ's Human Nature As Merely An Animated Body
The Catholic welcomes these evidences of the duality of Christ's intellectual life. On the theoretical side, they confirm the central dogma of orthodox Christology. On the practical side, they give him authority for seeking Christ's sympathy in ma...
Monophysitism Ignores The Duality In Christ's Experience
Such in outline is Bergson's theory of the interpenetration of psychic states. If this psychology be adopted, the abstract character of the catholic doctrine of Christ's being in large measure disappears. It becomes easy to conceive the interpenet...
Monophysitism In The Present Day
"To believe rightly the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ" is an ideal that the thoughtful Christian strives to attain. He expects to find the solution of high moral and speculative problems in that union of divine and human. The right faith is...
Monophysitism Limits The Scope Of Redemption
Monophysitism shows itself also in the modern tendency to narrow the scope of redemption. Partial salvation is offered as a substitute for the salvation of the entire man. This tendency is a natural result of narrowing the import of the incarnatio...
Monophysitism Shown In The Modern Tendency To Make The Death Of Christ A Secondary Factor In The Scheme Of Redemption
We have seen above that monophysitism discredits the reality of Christ's sufferings. Dogmatic reasons apart, the monophysite is motived by a repugnance to physical pain and by a wish to exclude it from the experience of the human ideal. To this mo...
Need Of A Mental Reconstruction Of The Human Nature Of Christ
As the interval of time widens, separating Christians from the human life of their God, the more urgent becomes the obligation to put forth a constructive effort of the historical imagination. The attempt to keep that memory green grows harder and ...
Neo-platonist Ontology
The representative figure amongst the Neo-Platonists is Plotinus. His comprehensive mind gathered up the main threads of Alexandrian thought, and wove them into the fabric of a vast speculative system. The system is as much a religion as a philoso...
Neo-platonist Psychology
Human souls are at an intermediate stage of this cosmic process. Like the ray of light which touches both sun and earth, they have contact with God and with matter. They stand midway in creation. They are attracted upwards and downwards. Reason ...
Philosophical And Theological Monism
The systems that identify God and the world range from the crude materialism of Democritus to the lofty spiritualism of Plotinus. Stoic cosmology occupies an intermediate position. The Stoic was nominally a pantheist, but he seems to have oscillat...
Reasons For The Prevalence Of Monophysitism
Monophysitism is in our midst undetected to-day. It is not hard to account for its prevalence. The clergy are for the most part unable to expound Christology, and the laity are impatient of exposition. Anything savouring of precise theology is at ...
Second Solution Of The Cosmic Problem Monism
The second solution given to the cosmic problem is of special importance for our thesis. It had a direct influence on monophysitism, and may be regarded as supplying the metaphysical basis for that heresy. It represents an advance to a higher stag...
Summary Chapter
We have examined the doctrine of one nature, and exposed its chief consequences. We have considered its effects in respect of the deity of Christ and in respect of His manhood. We have applied the doctrine to the human nature as a whole, and to th...
Summary Of The Chapter
We have taken a triad of ontologies and a triad of Christological systems, placed them side by side, and examined them. The result of that examination is a triple correspondence. The metaphysical principle is found in each case worked out in a cor...
The A Priori And A Posteriori In Christology
The following considerations prove the necessity of this procedure. Two methods of examining the being of Christ can be distinguished. According to the one method the facts of His life are reviewed as they are presented in the New Testament, and a f...
The Christological And The Cosmic Problems
The essence of the Christological problem is the question as to the union of natures in Christ. Are there two natures divine and human in Him? Is each distinct from the other and from the person? Is the distinction conceptual or actual? The inca...
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Monism Entails A Debased Conception Of Deity
Monophysite Doctrine
Aristotle's Criticism Of Dualism A Weapon In The Hands Of The Monophysites
Monophysitism And The Doctrine Of The Trinity
Christological Monism Monophysitism
Cyril Of Alexandria
The Elemental Forms Of Christological Error Docetism And Ebionitism
The Monophysite Theory Of A Composition Of Natures
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Need Of A Mental Reconstruction Of The Human Nature Of Christ
Monophysitism Blind To The Dual Character Of Christ's Experience
Monophysitism Ignores The Duality In Christ's Experience
The A Priori And A Posteriori In Christology
Monophysitism Shown In The Modern Tendency To Make The Death Of Christ A Secondary Factor In The Scheme Of Redemption
To Attribute Omniscience To Christ's Human Nature Is Monophysitism
Neo-platonist Ontology
The First Solution Of The Cosmic Problem Dualism